Nikud Quest – Unit 7 Chirik: Student Guidebook



Ready to use lessons to learn how to read and write chirik words and sentences. Lessons include cumulative review of units 1-6.

For the full NikudQuest Experience, use with the chirik decodable books and games.


Chirik Guidebook:

Our super clear, easy-to-use guidebook provides explicit instruction, outlining step-by-step directions for both teachers and students, (that means NO PREP NEEDED). With guided and independent practice, children will gain autonomy in their learning and stay focused. Built-in checkpoints, assessments, and extra practice ensure that children are reaching goals and making progress. Perfect for classroom teachers, parents, or tutors, this all-in-one guidebook ensures that you can give over the best reading instruction, no stress required.

The Chirik Guidebook builds off of the knowledge students have learned in previous lessons (Kamatz, Patach, Tzeireh, Segol, Sh’va and Cholam). It focuses on:

  • The vowel Chirik, phonemic awareness, discriminating between Chirik and other vowels
  • Recognizing and understanding the usage of the two types of Chirik, with and without a yud
  • Building on the Sh’va rules from previous lessons with less supports
  • Introducing new vocabulary and practice in context with exciting stories
  • Emphasis on learning All About Me, All About My Family, Ordinal Numbers and short texts from Torah and Tefilah
  • Plural form of words (suffix “Im”) and changing nouns from singular to plural

For the full Nikud Quest experience, purchase & use together with the Chirik Decodable Books + Chirik Game Pack.


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